Sheffield City Council Plan 2024-28
Together we get things done
Sheffield is a city that is being noticed globally and has the potential to be the best city to live and work in, grow up and grow old in, and to start, grow and scale a business in. The Council Plan is our organisation’s commitment to helping Sheffield achieve its potential and delivering our City Goals.
The new Council Plan is a significant milestone in the development of our organisation. It sets out a clear and positive statement of what we want to achieve for Sheffield over the coming four years, aligned to our Medium Term Financial Strategy to set the high-level policy direction for the whole organisation which will then be delivered through our key strategies, service plans and the huge contributions that our staff make to the city every day.
The Council Plan sets out a new mission for the organisation and three policy drivers which will ensure we challenge ourselves to make a positive contribution to Sheffield's people, the city’s prosperity and the planet we share in everything we do.
It also sets out five strategic outcomes which will be the focus of the work we do, structuring our budgets, our performance framework and enabling us to prioritise our work, projects and programmes.
The new Plan means that citizens, city partners and investors will know where the Council is headed, what it stands for and give even more opportunity to hold the organisation to account.