Children and young people
A place where all children belong and all young people can build a successful future

We want Sheffield’s children and young people to feel secure and safe in their lives, with a strong support network: to feel they can belong, whether that is in their local communities, their school, or wherever they want to be. We want them to have the opportunity to get involved in things that matter to them, to know that they are listened to and for Sheffield to help them build the foundations to succeed.

The future prosperity of Sheffield’s children and young people and the city’s prosperity are linked. Their aspirations are what will drive our city forward; their education, skills and talents are what will drive innovation and create the jobs of the future.

A sustainable planet is non-negotiable for children and young people’s futures. Young people will be the most affected by the impacts of unmitigated climate change, while the opportunities of the green economy will be critical to their future.
Our priorities for the next 4 years

Ensure all children and young people can feel like they can belong and thrive in Sheffield
We will build on our pioneering Family Hub network to ensure children and parents get the support they need so that children get the best start in life, and work across the system to ensure children and young people can feel comfortable and secure wherever they are. We want all children and young people to fulfil their aspirations and potential. With schools, businesses, and other partners we will link education, skills, and business investment into career pathways for every neighbourhood, including using our weight as an anchor institution to grow apprenticeships in Sheffield. In all this we will listen meaningfully to the voice of children and young people.
Address inequalities for our children and young people and ensure we are equipped to support them
We will be proactive in tackling inequality so that all children and young people in Sheffield can fulfil their potential. We want all children and young people to be able to participate fully in education, school and training, nurturing their talents. We will target inequalities to ensure more of our children and young people are equipped to achieve their ambitions and build successful futures. We will work hard to support Looked After Children and those with SEND to fulfil their potential in Sheffield and make a successful transition to adulthood.
Deliver the right care and support to those who need it, at the right time and in the right place
We will focus on preventing issues arising or getting worse, and on developing high quality care and support and addressing quality issues where they exist. We will make sure that our care placements are appropriate and effective, so that every child can access high quality care within our city if they need it.
Ensure children and young people are safe across the city
We will take a whole council approach to safety and safeguarding, working with partners to deliver robust response to issues where these arise. We will also work with children and young people to address safety more broadly, designing the city with and around them to make it a place in which they are safe and feel safe.