A brighter future for our city

People in Sheffield are ambitious for themselves and their families, and they want the city to do better. We share those ambitions.
We want to make sure all children and young people feel that they belong and can have successful futures here. We want to create the right environment for everyone to thrive with great neighbourhoods where communities have healthier lives in our Outdoor City. We want to enable businesses to grow and create more good jobs in the city, and to invest in the transport and new housing we need to power a low carbon economy.
These ambitions can be seen in the new City Goals which have been developed with the people of Sheffield. Like all major cities, we face complex modern challenges but by working together as a whole city in pursuit of these shared Goals, we are confident that we can find solutions that are made in Sheffield.
This Council Plan sets out our role in helping the city achieve its ambitions, both in the outcomes we deliver and how we do things. We have a vital role to play as a service deliverer and as a convenor, working with communities and partners to listen and learn, directly leading change where we need to and getting out of the way where others are better placed. The Plan will help us to improve our services and improve our engagement with residents.
In everything we do, we will focus on the people of Sheffield and enabling them to achieve their potential. We will take the bold decisions which will drive the city’s long-term prosperity, ensuring that we are a global leader in the climate transition, capitalising on the path to net zero to grow our economy, improve lives and protect our beautiful natural environment.
We’ve always known that Sheffield is a great city and the word is spreading, with major investors backing Sheffield and new people moving here, wanting to contribute and be part of our story. We need to talk our city up, be proud of Sheffield, and shout it far and wide.
By working together with you - the people of Sheffield, with public and voluntary and community organisations, with business and with regional and central Government we can achieve great things.
Together, we get things done and can build a better, brighter future for Sheffield.
Councillor Tom Hunt - Leader of the Council