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Caring, engaged communities

People live in caring, engaged communities that value diversity and support wellbeing

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The wellbeing of Sheffielders drives the work of the Council. We want more people to live long, independent and fulfilling lives free from harm and poverty. We will actively engage with residents and community partners to understand the challenges they face and the solutions they want to see, working together to deliver these and facilitating others to take the lead when they are best placed.

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Sheffield’s communities and the people within them are the city’s greatest asset. Caring, engaged communities provide the foundations for more people to live healthy, fulfilling lives and to share in our success. The way we work with communities is central to supporting people to make the most of their lives in the city and creating a healthy, happier, more prosperous place for all.

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A just transition to net zero which maximises the opportunities for Sheffield must involve everyone. Climate change is the biggest long-term risk to Sheffielders’ health and wellbeing and we can build resilience by working together with our communities.

Our priorities for the next 4 years

Little girl popping a bubble

High quality care and support at the right time and place so people can be independent for longer and stay safe

We will deliver high quality care and support based on what matters to people, from early help, prevention and support for carers and vulnerable adults, through ongoing support and specialist housing, to compassionate end of life support. We will work with the NHS, SY Police and other partners to keep vulnerable people safe, shift resources to provision that supports health and ensure services are accessible to all.

A new approach to community empowerment and engagement, working with our Voluntary, Community and Faith sector partners and through LACs

We will work with communities on new ways to build engagement into the way we work so that we listen better and work together to find shared solutions. We will also develop new approaches to community development, working differently with our Voluntary, Community and Faith sector partners in ways that support and value their unique role, and build on the progress made with Local Area Committees (LACs) in developing our work in places and with communities.

Work with communities to ensure people can access support and live the lives they want

We will continue to develop our approach to working with communities and with community organisations, To maximise independence, early help and prevention so that people can live the lives they want. We will work to connect people to networks to support social contact and support people to remain healthy. We’ll continue to develop the way we work with partners to support vulnerable people, building on work like that underway to make Sheffield an autism friendly city for all ages.

Enable everyone to feel valued and supported, tackling inequalities and celebrating the diversity of all our communities

We will support more Sheffielders to live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives whoever they are, wherever they live and whatever their background, working with partners to tackle poverty, prevent homelessness, and respond to the cost-of-living crisis. We will champion equality and diversity, including developing a new anti-poverty action plan, supporting the Sheffield Poverty Truth Commission, fulfilling our commitment with partners to become an anti-racist city and playing an active role in the new Race Equality Partnership for Sheffield.

Group of walkers having their photo taken