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Making it happen - how we deliver for Sheffield

People are at the heart of what we do, and we know that supporting and developing our workforce is key to our success.

We are striving to create an organisation where people thrive and have a real sense of belonging. Working together we have set out our values and a three-year plan for improvement, development and transformation called Future Sheffield. 

The Future Sheffield Programme

Our programme is aligned to our values, the priorities set out in this Council Plan and the challenges of our Medium-Term Financial Strategy. The Future Sheffield programme is focused on a number of drivers for change and improvement, and every year we will set out the projects and initiatives we are undertaking to meet these challenges:

People are at the heart of what we do

A focus on Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion tackling discrimination and inequalities (including those exacerbated by COVID and the Cost-of-Living crisis) and improving equity and experience of services.

Valuing People empowering a committed, passionate and proud workforce to deliver on behalf of their organisation and the city.

Openness and honesty are important to us

Creating a culture of performance and delivery setting out clear priorities that support effective service delivery and financial sustainability for the future and reporting back on our performance.

Always Learning and Innovating open to being more creative and innovative in how we work, including embracing the opportunities created by digital working, new technologies and learning from others.

Together we get things done

Working as one council, and one city more cross-cutting work across the council and working in partnership to contribute to the delivery of the Council Plan and Sheffield City Goals.

Working with Communities and customers a renewed relationship with Sheffielders driven by trust, compassion and a desire to work together. Creating a well-connected and consistent experience for communities and customers when they contact the council.